Everything You Want Me to Be – Mindy Mejia

I'll start out by saying it was a good book. It kept my interest, it had the smutty factor down, and there was some good old fashioned murder. I liked how it the story was told by different perspectives across different time frames. Now, get ready for the spoilers. There is infertility and there is pregnancy. Let's get down to the nitty gritty... 

The Beekeeper’s Ball – Susan Wiggs

This book was definitely a rom com movie, complete with a "hot guy takes pretty girl to fancy boutique and watches as she tries on gorgeous dresses and then buys her pretty things and doesn't fuss at all" scene. Strap in for the spoilers, kids, cuz there's only one way to tell you about all the pregnancy related triggers. TW: loss, abuse, pregnancies, adoptions, rape, the whole nine yards.